69 Hood Hinges


Aug 19, 2007
New Orleans
Hello all I have a 1969 mustang the hood sits up a little high in the back when closed and if I push it down it goes down some and stays, the adjustments on the hinges are maxed out. I'm going to have the hood painted and the body shop tells me that I need new hinges. Are my hinges out of spec.? If so where should I look to get new ones? There are some on EBay but will they do the same thing (they are just as old as mine)?
You may want to try lubricating the hinges. I had some sand blasted and even though I cleaned them out they did the same thing. After a leberal coating of lube the problem was fixed. I eventually replaced them with some Ring Bros hinges but that was more for show than go.
There is a good chance you just don't have them adjusted correctly.
Try this- loosen the hinge bolts on the inner fender, and while the hood is open, push up and back on the hood, you want to rotate the hinges toward the windshield, which means when your done, the bolts won't look like they are "maxed out" Trust me, this adjustment will make the back of the hood sit lower.

I have not tried to use any lube yet I didn't want to use lube because I thought it would make a mess and I want it to look good and clean under there but it it works cool!!! I think I will order some springs next they are less costly (7.95) than new hinges (29.95 without springs).

Next thing, are they hard to change? do the hinges need to be removed from the car to change the spring? Any how to will help!

Mr Fix I did try to adjust the hood pushing aft and down it did not fix anything I may try again though. Thank you

I was thinking it may be just the springs though because when I close the hood its up may be a 1/2 to 3/4 high and forward that much too, But if I go with the palm of both hands and push down to goes down to a stopping point and when I let go it comes back up a bit but not as high as it was to start it almost is where it need to be just a little off. Springs?

Next I'm trying to dress it up a bit under there my hinges look bad should I have them painted (as I'm about to have the black hood stripe anyway) Or just get a new set for 29.95 ea? one thing I'm thinking about is the new set may not be anything like the factory ones that I have and down grade things a bit when I do have the real thing already. So I guess the real question is OEM painted with new springs or new hinges and new springs
???????? Help thoughts please!

Ok I ordered A set of Springs They came in today, I put them on and I really did need them now when I close the hood there is a lot more tension and when I open it it springs up really fast that is cool. The hood is still up a 1/2 an inch at the back of the hood only the front fits nice.

So then I sprayed some lube that didn't work.

So I tried to adjust the three mounting bolts, I loosened all three and then lifted the hood at the front which lowered the rear at the hinge and then I pushed back as much as it would go (which was not any at all) and then re tighten the three bolts and slam that sucker down and still the same 1/2" what now?????????????????????

I talked to a guy that works on Vintage Mustangs here in New Orleans he told me to come by and pick up a set of used hinges that he had so I did Problem Solved!!!! when I put them on the I set them all the way down as I did with the old ones and when I closed the hood it was a 1/2"below the fender I was so happy to see that so then I moved them down a bit to make sure I could get them flush and the removed them again so I could blast them and I compared them to the others I see what was wrong ( hope this helps some one some day) there is a part of the that connects the hood part to the inner fender part of the hinge its about 1" X 2 1/2" with a pivot on both sides it was bent on both of the old hinges bent toward the center of the car, that piece needs to as flat as it can be.