89 Convertible Frame Broken?

I bought another mustang yesterday. a 1989 gt convertible. The motor for the top does not work so I have to raise and lower the top manually. On the ride home from where I bought it I put the top down and then back up with no problem. but today I lowered it and had to push it down a bit to put the cover on properly. When I went to put the top back up it no longer reaches the window to latch the j-hooks. Is it possible I bent the frame pushing it into place or maybe the hydraulic rams can't extend all the way without the motor?
The top shrunk while you had it down... I know that this does not sound possible, but it happens.

If I left the original top on my 90 down for a day or two, I would have to put weights on the front of the top to stretch it before it would hook. Even kept a ratchet strap in the trunk, in case of ran with no time to stretch, I could hook to a pole and "help" things along. You might consider adjusting the frame, but be careful if you have never dealt with convertibles before. Backing the J hooks out a couple of turns should not mess things up to much and might just give you the extra ¼” to get things hooked. If it is really tight once you get the hook in, be careful not to force the top latches. After a couple years of forcing the top closed with the latches, the pivot point in the latch wore out and I had to replace the driver’s side…

After replacing the top, I do not have this issue anymore. They way to avoid it is never leave the top down for an extended period.
PM me with a good email addy...I have the full ford shop manual on the fox body convertibles. What you are talking about is the for and aft direction of the vert top...