95 Cobra Radiator Fan HELP!!!!


New Member
Jun 14, 2004
Lovington, IL
Guys i need the top of the line fan for our years guys help me out well i guess not top of the line but something good i want to spend under $200 4 it. Thanks Guys

P.S. my old one went out and i dont feal like spendign the money 4 a whole new one or a new radiator so dont go there.
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Brien, if you want to go with a non electric this one would be good. Summit Racing part number FLX-1518 Its a flex lite fan and will work good for your application man.

if you do however wnat to go with an electic fan it will require a little more work and money, but for $50 that fan would do what you need. Im sure its just the clutch that went out on the fan so more then likely you would need a new clutch if its not invluded with the previous fan.

Let me know for sure if your car has an electric fan, but im pretty sure 95 cobras have clutch driven still. :D :shrug:
Um not sure due but i know that it basicly plugs in lol and works lol from electric plug in :shrug:

pic of it :(

i dont know if its just because its late but i cant find anything. The only thing i did find was on MPS.com(www.stangparts.com) and you can get a used cooling fan set up for 125 before shipping, shipping is usually pretty cheap from them, and everything ive purchased there ahs been good product.

sorry im not of more help man, i usually know pretty well what to get for your car but this has me off in left field :nonono: :shrug: :fuss: :damnit: :bang:
Watch out for some of the delarships. they will try to put a fuse/braker on the fan so it trips when it gets to hot. That is what ford called a fix. That fix went into the trash can when i got home.