95 Cobra


New Member
Nov 20, 2004
Fort Polk, La
Just installed a new FRPP crate engine and it's surging. I'm not sure if the old computer will adapt, any advice? I haven't had a chance to drive it yet but the that's what the mechanic back home told me. Do you guys think it will just take a while for the computer to adjust or will I need a chip or something??? Thanks
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It might take a chip to get it right give it just a bit of time for the computer to try and figure it out. Also make sure everything else is set right I.E. timing, tps, your maf is clean, O2 sensors are good. all the small things.
Thanks guys! I'll give it some time. I know my vacuum lines are all good. Hopefully the computer will work it out, I had to put a 1" plenium spacer to clear the valve covers and now my hood won't shut either so harwood here I come!
for_honor said:
yeah that's the one, any ideas?????

Search, That cam as from my knowledge doesn't seem to get along with our computers in the 94-95 so well, as this is also the case with many other cams, I belive some people have switched to the FOX computer and it has helped , or others will tell you possibly try and have the car tunned.... This is just what i have heard do some research before you do anything as i am no mechanic :)