Edmunds.com has a list of recalls and TSBs so I checked the 1999 Cobra list. Seems like a lot of issues w/the tranny (T-45), clutch groaning/moaning noise when shifting, leaking coolant around the intake/heads, and driveline vibrations.
I'm just wondering if any of you have experienced any of these. It's somewhat expected that a tranny will wear out but the head/intake leakage concerns me. What about the vibrations, which seem to occur at higher speeds? Is this solved w/an alum driveshaft or is something else required?
Lots of questions, I know. Thanks for your help.
I'm just wondering if any of you have experienced any of these. It's somewhat expected that a tranny will wear out but the head/intake leakage concerns me. What about the vibrations, which seem to occur at higher speeds? Is this solved w/an alum driveshaft or is something else required?
Lots of questions, I know. Thanks for your help.