A/C guys quick general question?

Well I finally took the dash and the heater assembly out and split the heater box open to replace the evaporator core. Now I remember reading awhile back on some random forum that someone "oiled" their new evaporator core before they installed it? Do I have to do this or can I just plop the new one right in the heater box and call it a day?
I wouldn't put oil on the outside of the core. That will result in an array of problems. The oil will slowly vaporize and collect on your windshield - can you say "Nasty haze". The oil will also attract dust which, over time, will clog your evaporator and you'll end up replacing it again. I assume that your A/C system has been evacuated. When it gets recharged, a compressor oil will be put INTO the system. This will lube all of the moving parts.