Another honda story staring me and rice boy

Boss 351

Here sthhhhhhhheeeve take a picthh of my man flowe
Jul 13, 2003
I was at a red light and of course rice boy in a Honda Civic with body kit, big wings and fart can goes next to me on the right. He kept creeping forward and by the time the light turned green he was over a car length in front of me. I didn't care because for the most part a Honda Civic is no match for an automatic ZX2 on the street. Sad isn't it that most if not all ricers can't drive.

So the light turns green, I spin the wheels and take off. But after he ended up beating me not by much (if he would have lined up properly, I would have won) and cut me off but I didn't brake, inches from crashing into him (I don't care I'd do anything to hurt a ricer). So I give him the finger as he turns onto another street and I turn around at the next street to catch him.

I find him and follow him around a little waving my finger out the window and tooting my horn. I would have loved it if he would have stopped. I have a 2 foot cheater bar with a ricer's name on it just itching to be used in case I needed it.

I saw his car before. I need to take a picture of this thing and start a simple "Quebec rice" web site on a free server or something. It would be fun to place a small paper stating that his car is on a ricer's web page and now the whole internet is laughing at him lol.

I hate the ZX2 though... it spins on take off then the transmission shifts to 2nd while spinning, engine bogs down once there is traction, then downshifts again lol. Despite all of this and the fact that the honda had a car length head start, he still had alot of trouble beating me. LMAO... :owned:

I'm so impressed I think I will sell my Mustang to buy a honda with a body kit. :rlaugh: hmmm on second thought... spinning into 3rd almost running into the ricer sideways sounds like more fun :D
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