AOD guys... does the 3-4 shift valve have 3 springs or two?


All my crevices are greased.
Oct 22, 2004
Arlington, MA
I am in the process of de-transgo'ing my 3-4 shift to delete the lovely slam into OD (otherwise the kit is great). I dont seem to have TV modulation in OD, only speed. So it goes to OD at 35 mph and stays there until I really slow down. I have concluded I need to replace my original 3-4 shift valve.

I have an extra valve body sitting here and I took out it's 3/4 assembly but looks like I already did that before now and I doubt I have all the pieces. It seems to have the double spring and peg at the end, a middle piece with double seats for the double springs and then the seperate endcap 3rd piece that looks like it has seats for a spring and looks like it would also have a spring but there is none there. Now I gutted this "spare" while transgo'ing my VB. Should I get my bag of "extra parts" and look for that 3rd spring?

Oh, and btw, will this restore my TV modulation in 3-4/4-3 or do those checkballs need to go back in too?

Thanks guys!
