Support tranny with with stands or jack. Remove DS, and crossmember. Looking at trans from rear you will see the 6 bolts thsat hold the tailstock on. The shifter cable should be botled to it also, remove the nuts holding it to get the the bolts under. Once the 6 bolts are out the tails atock is ready to come off. Might have to tap it with a rbber mallet or gently pry at it. Once the tail is off, you will need snap ring pliers to remove the governer. Or you can get the snap ring off with 2 screw drivers. Be careful when sliding the gov off, there is a check ball in a grove in the gov that can come out. If it does, no big deal just be sure not to loose it. If it comes out, put a little vasoline in the groove to hold it in when you re-istall the gov..