Originally posted by Srper
It is also nice to see you gained over a second and a half from a 100 shot. Hmm, my slow car needs some juice too
It's funny to have guys ask me why my car does so well on the juice compared to other guys running the same shot. All I can say is the Zex kit rocks. My buddy has the kit too and is getting almost the same ratio as me. He's back on the 100 shot until his adjustable fuel reg gets here.... but we like the kit a lot.
There are pics on my site... plus movies of the 75 shot kickin' a SS Camaro at the track. That guy was PISSED! Wanted to run a second time. It was funny to hear the guys in the pit area talking real loud about how much he just paid for that car.
As I slowly open up the airflow we get better results from the Zex kit. The TB helped alot since you pump in the air after the stock M/A.... I can even get a couple of tenths out of the compressed air when the juice is empty.
So we're guessing that the new M/A will help some. Plus the Cobra intake should add a couple of tenths with the new injectors. I'm trying to be realistic. I wanna get my stang to a 14.6 off the bottle and break into the 12s on. Probably going to take headers for that. Replacing the stock ones are all I like on the exhaust. I'm not ready to lose the CATs just yet.
I haven't been on here too much or had time to work on the car.... been freelancing to save some money for bills and hopefully wheels and tires.
Since my car rarely does the neutral drop... I'm not sure if I'll have immediate results or not for you... but I have one corner by work that it seems to like. So I'll post what I find out. Definately is dangerous and VERY serious. The worst I had it was when I went to pass a car. Little leftover wetness from a rain earlier that day on the road.... I pushed the pedal down to pass. Got enough speed to get my front bumper next to their back bumper. Then REEEEVVVVVVVVVV.... all the people in the car looked at me.... and BAM! 1st gear... @$$ went sideways (away from their car - thank god :worship: ) and towards the ditch...
I let out of it... got it back under control, then cleaned my drawers.
About 10 miles on down the road... I decided to try again. This time I got in the other lane, was square with the road and one car length back. Punched it... with the same results except it didn't kick out. I flew past them... but didn't need to. They were scared and hit the brakes HARD!
I'm glad the tranny is much better now.... just got to get that occasional one out of the system.