Beirut or Beer Pong??

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whitesnake1994 said:
HAHAHAHA are you kidding me???? yea that has to be the dumbest reason to name a game. who the heII told you that. they should change basketball to
haha i dont ****in know i read it online somewhere....

black95gts- You could not be more right about girls loving beirut...and it IS responsible for many hookups...take my word for it:D Its just the greatest game ever! When we went to the shore for the weekl after we graduated, we had a HUGE 21 cup tourney with like 10 teams of 3, and my team (me and 2 chicks) won 5 games in a row...then we were just soo drunk we started sucking...
People call it either one around here.. I prefer beirut. Great game though :nice:

I have a nice sized table on my front deck, we play every weekend until my neighbor bitches at us for being to loud, any time you guys wanna make the drive your more then welcome :) Just no bringing the naty ice STP!
xr8d302 said: were in my area last week and didn't get a hold of me..?

xr8d302 said:
are you retarded?

xr8d302 said:
these chances don't come often....
I know. It sux man ...... I was on the road and the decision to head up there was a last minute thing. I didn't plan to go up there, but I ended up going.