Canadain custom fiberglass

93ConvertibleLX said:
What exactly did they sell.....or claim to sell?:canflag:
"Flame Canada........" (to the tune of south park's "Blame Canada")
LOL I have way too much time on my hands

"Canadian Custom Fiberglass"

They made all kinds of Fiberglass bodyparts and various other things
Keasbey said:
wanna fight?
LMAO. I have a friend who is die-hard canadian (is that possible?) and I always tease him aboot canada and mountees,and that the only 2 good things to come out of canada are hockey and beer (even tho we beat you with the red wings and Bud Light). by the way, what is a "hoser"? I always hear people say that, and I always call my friend that, but I dont really know what it means,eh.