car got drilled

Just took my car for estimates today.Got hit in Home Depot parking lot.Of course no witnesses other person took off.Did $1300.00 in damage.Scuffed up the rear bumper cover,cracked the deck lid spoiler,big dent in deck lid,buckled driver side quarter(slightly).Only good thing is since half the car is getting painted i'm paying xtra to have whole car shot and dings fixed.Wouldn't have bothered if not for this.Why are people such idiots and take off?They would be the 1st to bitch if someone hit thier car.
Hey man, go back to the store and ask a manager if they have cameras in the parking lot. Most big places like that do. Probably caught the entire thing on tape. Had a similar thing happen at walmart. Came out and the entire bumper was ruined. Nobody in sight. Went to store found out a tractor trailer couldn't make the turn and wiped out the rear bumper and left. Saw it all on tape. Police caught the driver, and the car was fixed.