Convertable question


Founding Member
Aug 26, 2002
Waldorf, MD
Just bought a 1988 GT Convertable today. Because I really needed a SECOND Mustang in my garage. :nonono: :D

Anyway, the passenger side rear window will not go up or down. Don't think it's the motor, the previous owner told me he took it out and hooked it straight to the battery and it worked. Then put it back in the car and it worked for a little while, then stopped again.

Does this sound like a bushing that needs to be replaced? A little bit of lube? Is there a gear the motor interfaces with that could be partially stripped?

I have not had much time to look at it. Just wondering if anyone had ideas or similar problems. :nice:
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The motor is probably bad. When he took it out and tested it there was no load on the motor. And it might work for a little while but then crap out again. Its just tired out and the window is just too much for it to lift anymore.
You might want to check the doo fingies that have like the soft side of velcro to keep the window tight against the moulding and inline.Mine was somehow not there and it went up slowand scatch up my tint(damn).It might be bound up in the track also.I dought that the window would cause enough load on a motor to make it not move at all.Check the tracks!!
yep, the glass weighs a ton - requires some work from the motor. i would stick a test light/DMM on the leads to the motor to confirm that they have continuity.

IIRC, there are 3 bolts that hold the motor in place. unbolt (try not to drop the bolts down into the bowels of the door. if you have big arms, you cant get them back out), and it slides right out. hold the window so it does not hurt something (it can come down like a guillotine).

as said, really clean and lube all the stuff in the door up. there are some rubber bushings that slide up and down the center rail. make sure they slide nicely and are tight (if not, the window wants to go up crooked, which really works the motor).
5 mins of troubleshooting will confirm that the motor is or is not at fault. and congrats on the new stang. enjoy.
mine quit working so I took the motor out took it apart. the solder on the brushes wires broke. i resoldered it and its worked fine every since
Well, I found out that if one switch goes bad in a convertable, neither (driver's door or rear passenger switch) will work. I replaced the switch in the back, and now it works. Well, it went up, but not down. Also, the other windows seem to work sparadicly. I am going to replace the switch assembly on the driver's door and that should fix it.

Here is a link with pics of the car:

Hmmm, if the link does not take you right to the pics, just go to "Fox Body Mustangs" and click on the thread for "Project update and pics." :nice: