when i start my car it has a bout a 1/2-1sec crankling sound right after i start it, like it will turn over and start and then it crackles a lil...but it only has done it like 3 times in the past 2 months..what could it be?
hey maybe u could get us a sound clip, that might be usefull, although u said it only happens sometimes, and doing it everytime u turn it on might get a little.. monotanous...
well the only time table i can put on it is basically how i said i mean its like, it turns over and right as it starts running or finishes turning over theres like a 1 sec crankling sound, its really all i can explain on it? its like if you turned ur car on and right about the time you let go of the key cause you know ur car has started? its right about that time, thats about the best i can do to descripe it, and yea a sound clip would be kinda on the tedious side to have to do
this is exactly my probelm as well... it all started happening for me when i installed my CAI and im still trying to figure it out... usually when my care sits like overnight or so and i goto start it the next day its studders and crankles like its going to die then i comes right up abour 2 seconds later... sounds really bad
Well I can't really get a good idea of what the noise sounds like but it may be the same issue I was having. I figured out that the starter would engage to turn turn the engine, but it wasn't retracting properly. The gears on the starter would then graze the flywheel, causing a strange noise. To resolve the problem, I took out the starter and lubricated the shaft...thats all it took. No more noise.
Of course, this may not be your problem at all...but its worth investigating!