Dented Rear Quarter... AHH!


Founding Member
Aug 12, 2002
Shippensburg, PA
Question is body putty... Or put on a new one... Its pretty bad... But fixable for sure... Its driver side so no worry with gas tank or anything... I can get a new quarter cut out of a stang for like 100 bucks... But I gotta pay for labor of getting it cut out... I dont want putty tho either... Give me your ideas on this one!
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MoNsTaMaCk24 said:
Question is body putty... Or put on a new one... Its pretty bad... But fixable for sure... Its driver side so no worry with gas tank or anything... I can get a new quarter cut out of a stang for like 100 bucks... But I gotta pay for labor of getting it cut out... I dont want putty tho either... Give me your ideas on this one!

I feel for you, man. Post pics if/when you can. Personally, I say do it right and go for the new one. My old beater car was more putty than steel. :rolleyes: Nasty thing.
When someone ahole kicked my car in, the shop got both of these dents out. They were able to pull most of it out, and use very little body filler. I felt better about them doing that than cutting out the quarter panel, which would have also costed a hellof a lot more.


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