Douchebags that want to race

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Didn't mean to stir up such a ruckus...

I don't consider gettin it off the light "racing" nor did I know that there were laws against "excessive acceleration." (I still don't think we have that here) I did not bark any tire or really get it THAT hard. Think, stock 87 5.0, dry pavement, wide 2 lane, late Sunday evening. No cars around, just me and him, so yeah, I was bored and went for it. I ran first gear up and barely touched second, as soon as my speedo hit the 45 speed limit, to fifth gear I went. 2.73's aren't that quick. I mean, if a cop was there and saw it, yeah, he probably would have pulled me for something, but to try and nail me for drag racing? I don't think so, unless he hasn't gotten laid in a few months. Anyway, shame on me, shame on me. Oh well, it is all said and done, so who cares now?
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I think you should consider turning yourself in to the local police. You're a criminal man, just own up to the plate.
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I never dreamed of going fast in a Mustang on the street myself but I've heard stories about it from Camaro guys. I did however collect a citation in my youth for "Attempting to participate in a highway race contest". I told the officer.."Attempted hell, I beat the guy", which added the speed limit fine.
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You did it wrong.

That's exactly it, the Camaro guys have stories. The shame of the matter for them is almost every time they lose to a Mustang!
Admitedly, I'm not an angel. LOL
I've owned my '88vert since it was new and I was 24. I was in a few lets just say roadway challenges in my day. Won a few, lost a few.

However, There is one I'll never forget some years ago.
I got challenged by a kid in some type of foreign car at a traffic light. I resisted at the first stop light. (good for me)
But, at the next light I was weak and couldn't help myself. LOL
So,We took off and I got waaaay out in front of the guy it wasn't even a close race. I wanted to teach him a lesson.
Well to my surprise, I passed a patrol car at well over a 100 mph. 118 to be exact.
I got pulled over but didn't get in trouble for "racing" because I was soooooo far ahead of the other car it didn't appear that we were racing.
He passed right on by unnoticed.

Well, long story short it costed me a poop load of money and I lost my driving privileges for a little while! AND, nearly costed me my marriage.
But, I didn't do any jail time, and I got to keep my car. That was a bonus!

The best part is I didn't kill myself or anyone else and I learned that wasn't a good idea. LOL
"I blow him away off the line up to the 45mph speed limit and drive normally after"

You say this and then say you didn't break any laws? As Husker pointed out the laws that you did break and is correct these laws are open to interpretation of the cop enforcing them as he sees fit. The "gee occifer I didn't know I couldn't do that" does not hold water in the court of law.

I have two beers in me I said "you just arn't even worth my risk/time/effort"

You shouldn't have raced him in the first place because if you were involved in an accident they would have given you a Blood Alcohol Test and if you had even the legal limit you would probably be cited for at least a wet reckless among other things in relation to drag racing.

What do you all do in this kinda situation?

I immediately go to Stangnet and blab so I can be judged by people I don't know and then argue about it.

My Stangnet internet confession,
I used to drag race back in the day in San Diego and Orange County when it was huge and I WAS STUPID, DUMB, RECKLESS, STUPID and DUMB. I'm lucky and blessed that I never hurt anyone nor did I ever get caught but I won't ever do it again because I saw what other people lost from their experiences with it i.e., money, cars (they crush them while you watch), license or lives.

Go ahead and goose it for a good time when it's safe and your not in a residential or school area, heck we all do that. Racing on the street is a bad idea every time. You may have confidence in your ride and play it safe but what if the BOZO reving on you doesn't? If he causes an accident YOU will be an accomplice!!
Anyway, shame on me, shame on me. Oh well, it is all said and done, so who cares now?


Signed: Your Mommy.

Evidently,...This guy still cares
I have that problem it seems quite often when I drive my Mustang, allways some "douchbag" wanting to race and man it gets old quick! But I try to keep in mind that innocent people have died because of a momentary lack of good judgement and engage in a street race. So I like to think, keep it safe and take it to the local drag strip.
There are no winners when an innocent life is lost.
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Just recently here in Indianapolis a woman blew a red light and t-boned an ambulance, killing both EMTs inside. Her BAC was .038, under the legal limit of .08. They are NOT pursuing criminal charges on her. If you're under the limit, you're following the law. 2 beers for a full size adult man is unlikely to put him over the limit.
wondering how many members here lost their licenses at one point due to drag racing. not me

You just didn't get caught.

I'll bet you don't speed either,... right?

Everybody,..... ( Well,...except the ones that carry a hover-round on their back bumper) violates some form of traffic law that can get their license taken away from them. Speeding, Driving while under the influence, ( to include stopping at Hooters for a couple of cold ones and 6 wings) Distracted driving, aka texting/interacting w/ a GPS, can all get the job done.

Now if you are still gonna state that you have done none of the above,.........I gotta call

Or, were joking........

So you are telling me that people on the internet arent being 100% accurate with facts. Im shocked
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