EEC Analyser

save a datalog so you can view it, I save mine to a folder on my laptops "desktop" and open EA. I then go the the load datalog or whatever tab it is and load it into EA threw the file on my desktop. My EA opens a box that asks were I want the file loaded into EA from BTW.

Just load it into EA and go the tab you want and it will calc. off your log.
ok ive tried it and i guess i have the wrong items. Ill have to do another log and see if i get the items correct. What should be my starting point on the EEC Analyser
read the help files, they also say what to log for the calc. to work with that tab. There is no real starting point just the data from the log.

I would start with the maf tab

then the inj.

then batt. v. offsets

then whatever you want to play with.
Suggestion. Make sure you filter (cleanup) the datalog. An example is to select the rpm range such as 700rpm - 6000rpm. Go thru your datalog and you may find some strange entries such as 14,000 rpms etc. You don't want those in your datalog when you have EA calculate your MAF curve. Click on the Filter tab and check out what you can filter - play with the filters. Filtering will not change the original DL.

Note: All of my datalogs contains at a minimum - lambs(Kamrf), tps, 02s. But as stated above check out the help tabs - it will tell what is needed in the DLs.