Odd thing. When I start my car, the volt gauge reads right in the middle or slightly above. Once the car has been driven for a few and gets hot, the gauge dips a bit. Any thoughts out there?
fist thought is that when you start it, it is at fast idle.
once warm and at hot idle, and with your U/D pulleys, the alt is not spinning enough.
just my thoughts. good luck.
that's actually normal.my car does the same thing even with the 3ga conversion(highly recommend even on a stock stang).the reason it charges more when you first start it is because the battery needs a charge.after it runs a while the battery is charged and the alt. doesn't have to work as hard.remember an alt. is kind of like an ignition coil.it'll only produce the needed voltage when it needs it or it would be constantly running at full capacity and it's life would be short.
The middle mark on the stock voltmeter is supposed to be 14 volts. The next full mark below is 13 volts, and the next full mark above is 15 volts.
The voltage regulator will drop the voltage slightly as the alternator & battery warm up. This is to keep from overcharging the battery & causing it boil off the water/electrolyte.