Engine runs hot only on highway when AC is on

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I had a look at two other SN95 GT's today and they didn't have the air deflector either, and they also have the PS pump cooler mounted low in front of the AC condenser like mine.
It just occurred to me that there might be another possible cause of my problem. The plastic trim that fits in front of the radiator support under the hood and covers the openings above the AC condenser has been off since I bought the car because the retaining clips are missing. Is it possible that I'm losing some of the ram airflow effect into the radiator at speed because some of the air is "leaking" out from above and going under the hood? I'll try to refit the trim piece and find out.
I also have the t'stat to install and need to check for the high speed fan operation, so that's three little jobs for me to do this weekend. The fan sounds the same even when I turn the AC to max so I suspect the high speed isn't working.
so how did it turn out for you with your diagnosing and fixing those few issues? How many degrees cooler did it run with and without AC on?
A new Mishimoto aluminium radiator fixed the cooling issue
wow and that's it? Did you get the deflector on before swapping the radiator and did it help any? I see you said where you had a list of about 4 things to do/check/change lol.....

My car runs at 193 degrees here in hot azz South Carolina, hot and humid and the car will stay around that til I turn on the AC then it will eventually creep up to 207/210. In stop and go 212

Also was it a direct fit, no mods needed to brackets or anything?