Enlighten me...

Because idiots drive in the fast lane at the speed limit and refuse to move because they are at the "limit". This causes people behind them traveling at a greater speed to go around the moronic rolling road blocks. Usually this is acomplished by diving into the #2 lane which causes the #2 lane to slow due to the accordian affect. While all this is happening the people who were happily driving in the slow lane continue on their slow and steady pace (which is faster than the #1 & #2 lanes).
I have an idea.............why not everyone quit breaking the law and obey the traffic laws. Or, do what Colorado did, and pass a law stating that you can't be in the fast lane unless you are passing someone. If you go there and homestead, because you need to feel that you are the fastest car on the road, and need to feel that "special" testostrone rush because your daddy never paid you any attention, you will be ticketed.