Evaporator Control


New Member
Oct 2, 2003
Long Island
Ok, I have this problem on going with my 98 GT. The Check Engine light comes on. Twice now its happened and twice now two places have told me its not a big deal.

I get an error on the comp that says something about the evap control. Now that car doesnt run bad or anything but I do smell fuel when I drive it hard or over a long distance. Its very noticable since everyone that rides in my car says they smell gas.

So what the hell is going on with this thing? Fuel MPG seems ok, it does about 240-260 miles on a tank depending how I drive.

The guy told me today only ford dealerships can correct this type of code. Anyone have any insight as to what could be going on here?

Car is bone stock.
Thanks Guys
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98 STEED said:
Ok, I have this problem on going with my 98 GT. The Check Engine light comes on. Twice now its happened and twice now two places have told me its not a big deal.

I get an error on the comp that says something about the evap control. Now that car doesnt run bad or anything but I do smell fuel when I drive it hard or over a long distance. Its very noticable since everyone that rides in my car says they smell gas.

So what the hell is going on with this thing? Fuel MPG seems ok, it does about 240-260 miles on a tank depending how I drive.

The guy told me today only ford dealerships can correct this type of code. Anyone have any insight as to what could be going on here?

Car is bone stock.
Thanks Guys
