Ford to bring back the 4 cylinder SVO Mustang

But they aren't calling it an SVO.

They are calling it a GTS.

I don't understand Ford sometimes. They are big on namplate heritage. It's the reason why they brought back the Ford taurus name....and yet that can't keep models consistent. The GTS is a stripped down GT...what the bulllitt should be called technically.

Their new 4-banger turbo should be SVO. But then again, SVO was the precursor to SVT and no longer exists.
"not going to happen":::

why not, i would respect it man, better fuel economy,even though by then 20-25mpg is going to be like getting 8-10mpg now..... but still the stang needs somerthing to play wiht the camaros release........
Good idea with the gas prices and all. Why not just add a turbo/SC to the 6 cylinder.

I think the goal with the Eco-Boost is to get better performance AND fuel economy. Adding boost to the 6 would just make it suck gas like the 8. That and the Eco-Boost uses direct injection technology and overall is a complete different animal, IIRC.
If they manage to drop a considerable amount of weight and make 300hp, and still keep it affordable, it'll be an instant classic. Unfortunately their history shows that models like this are usually over priced and sold as specialty cars and people just don't buy them.

Look at the Merkurs...they were fantastic cars, but marketing/dealership involvement/price killed it before it could really take off. The SVOs were great cars too but the price just didn't make them competitive.
They're not much heavier than the TurboCoupes were...sporting a 4-cylinder...It'll happen...

Yeah that's true...if they can get them down to about 3200lbs or so it wouldn't be so bad. I think i read though that Ford already went to great lengths to make the new Mustang as light as they could so i don't know how much lighter it can be aside from just having a lighter engine.