frpp hot rod cams

Hot Rod cams are for NA. Go with a blower grind if you're going to be supercharged. For optimal increase in performance and reliability, you want to pick parts that compliment each other. The Hot Rod cams would actually be dangerous with a blower.
Nothing dangerous about them,they will actually bleed off some boost making thngs easier on the engine. Check Brenspeeds detroit rocker cams for supercharged engines,they have the sound and still gain good power.
Dave, the Hot Rod Cams and a SC grind are two TOTALLY different things. To get the lopey idle, the Hot Rod cams have a longer duration. That duration with a supercharger COULD be devastating. That is why Brenspeed makes SC and NA grinds for their Detroit Rocker cams.

And, as I said before, mating the right cam with your supercharger will give you the best gain. If you're going to spend the money and time, might as well do it right.