Sure, happy to help.... or at least try to.
Sounds to me like the '85 specific line is the one you would need.... based on what you have and what you're trying to accomplish. Not sure why it doesn't look much different than your current one.
Agreed, this is what I assume to.. I asked Classic tubes ( email ) if the rear clearance for the right side exhaust was the difference in the 85 only line and they were unable to help me... Pretty sad response actually... Claimed they did not have any ford blueprints or drawings? LMR or NPD do not have this line in there catalog... Heck I would drive to NPD Ocala to look at it if they did...
I plan on removing the the rubber lines from the tank to these metal lines and just seeing what I can do.. maybe bend the metal lines a bit, and re routing the rubber ones, shortening or lengthening them...
Updating the rear brake line ( for the same exhaust clearance reason) was a slam dunk with LMR selling a kit to do it with... Nothing like this for the fuel lines which makes me think I am missing a fairly easy ' fix ' here.. I could buy the fuel line and if it worked I could then buy the vent line, but I hate to have another useless part on my shelf.....
I sure can't be the only person installing dual exhausts on a pre 87 car, but I seem to be the only person online with these questions..... Problem must be leftover from my Short bus days...... LOL
I have a renter here who makes his living as an IT guy.... As to FEP, he said its not a problem with my computer but at the website?? I want to think there might me more answers to my dilemma there, but I can't get to it..... Story of my life....
Appreciate all the help on here....