Gas pedal got stuck yesterday and...


Founding Member
Apr 3, 2001
Lubbock, TX
scare the you know what out of me. I was going to work down a country road, hammered it in 1st, then 2nd, then the motor was hitting the rev limiter :eek: Luckily it wasn't in gear, I hit the clutch. felt the gas pedal stuck, and brought it out with my toe of my shoe.

Has this happened to anyone? Think maybe some WD-40 would help? Need some suggestions b/c I don't want that to happen again. Thanks.

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it happened to my brother...he ended up hitting a tree at 35mph. He was alright but the car sure wasnt. His pedal got stuck from the wire loom for all the injectors holding the throttle at wide open throttle. Not having time to react and cause it was an auto he wasnt so lucky. Also check the floor might sound dumb but the floor mat can hold the pedal down also.