Gas Prices Suck

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88_GT_5_oh said:
all i have to say is you americans have it EASY

go north of the border or over seas and you'll see high gas prices. when i was down there i felt like filling up some drums with gas cause it was alot cheaper

We may have it "easier" perhaps, but not easy. As of now (changes are coming), we're still the largest consumers of oil/gas and are key in setting prices in the global market. I hear all the time that we should 'stop bitching' because it's cheaper here than elsewhere. If we do, and our gas prices continue rise at the current rate, then so will yours.

Jonny Towelhead: De Amaerdicans are paying four dole-ers and tirty sends for a gallon of gas. hee-hee-hee. Vee chall charge dem kun-aid-ians even more!

Granted, the majority of the rising gas prices here are due to greedy refineries and gas companies byt what happens here to the price of gas pretty much send the tone of what can be gotten away with, for the rest of the world. One day, China make assume that role.
wazazzle said:
So when you're at the pump paying over $30 tank or whatever amount... You're telling me you don't bit-ch and complain, or atleast drop your jaw at another $.10 increase per day? I highly doubt that! But if you honestly don't complain or care about what price gas is at now. Just wait till summer when it hits the $3.00-$4.00 range. Republicans:nonono:
I still consider it a privelage to drive my stang when and where I want. I dont complain as i consider it the cost. Do I wish it was back where it was, absolutely. Everyone wants the best deal, Republican Fox news watching, or CNN Democrat. Regardless of political preference. However, I will say I am not shocked you seem to have nestled yourself in Demo country here in the NW. I am living in Portland and feel as though I am the only one with my head above the clouds/fog...:flag:
i feel if you use democrat or republican in your arguemnt it becomes null and void--that is not the issue here.

the proposed boycott will not work due to the fact that the little companies will have such a strain on them they will have to buy the surplus from exxon/mobil. at that point we will really feel the high hard one.

the only way to really bring down prices is to bring down consumption--not just for one day. carpool, mass transit, more efficient vehicles, etc....

i won't drive my stang once it gets above $3/gal. stiff price to pay, but it has to be done for the greater good. i will also walk to work every day it is not raining--did it last summer.
I dont get this country, you see people protesting and rioting about useless crap all the time on the news, but when we really need people to do something about it what do we do, nothing just bend over and keep taking it in the ass. IMO once prices get absolutely rediculous, im thinking somewhere over 3 dollars a gallon nearing 4, thats when there will actually be a noticable drop in the usage of oil, causing more supply then demand which should help the prices make another drastic fall like they did for a while last year because there is nothing supporting the prices as it is, just speculation and trying to make people worry so they can justify raising the prices higher.
Daggar said:
We may have it "easier" perhaps, but not easy. As of now (changes are coming), we're still the largest consumers of oil/gas and are key in setting prices in the global market. I hear all the time that we should 'stop bitching' because it's cheaper here than elsewhere. If we do, and our gas prices continue rise at the current rate, then so will yours.

Jonny Towelhead: De Amaerdicans are paying four dole-ers and tirty sends for a gallon of gas. hee-hee-hee. Vee chall charge dem kun-aid-ians even more!

Granted, the majority of the rising gas prices here are due to greedy refineries and gas companies byt what happens here to the price of gas pretty much send the tone of what can be gotten away with, for the rest of the world. One day, China make assume that role.

all i am saying is it gets sickening to hear people whining about gas prices when i am paying in some cases $1 USD gallon more. i relly don't understand why i pay so much more there is tons of oil in alberta. just makes me mad

for the record right now gas here is
regular = $4.12 cdn/gallon ($3.62 USD/ gallon)
premium = $4.53 cdn/gallon (3.98 USD / gallon)
wazazzle said:
So when you're at the pump paying over $30 tank or whatever amount... You're telling me you don't bit-ch and complain, or atleast drop your jaw at another $.10 increase per day? I highly doubt that! But if you honestly don't complain or care about what price gas is at now. Just wait till summer when it hits the $3.00-$4.00 range. Republicans:nonono:

Blame the tree-huggers....STOP buying foriegn oil!! Let the bastards starve for all I care. We do not need their oil...drill in Alaska, there's more there than you realize!!

And the "libs" are a big part of the problem.....
88_GT_5_oh said:
all i am saying is it gets sickening to hear people whining about gas prices when i am paying in some cases $1 USD gallon more. i relly don't understand why i pay so much more there is tons of oil in alberta. just makes me mad

for the record right now gas here is
regular = $4.12 cdn/gallon ($3.62 USD/ gallon)
premium = $4.53 cdn/gallon (3.98 USD / gallon)

All that means is that you're permitted to join us in our rant.
The goverment could do a lot about it. I am totally aginst the govement interfearing in buisness, but I think it is ok when it comes to national security and survival of the people. If gas is what we just wanted, but didn't need, it would be one thing, but we are dependent, and the gas companies made us that way, and know they are safe because we are far from being able to replace them. It's driving up the cost of many things, such as shipping due to the increased price of fuel.

I say regulate the cost of fuel. Not to make fuel a non-profit buisness, but at least reasonable. If they don't like it, they could just refuse to produce gas, and that would allow the goverment to take over just like Reagan did in the 1980's to the air traffic controllers when they tried to shut down the airlines for more money.

What scares me is that what other buisnesses which we "need" might start doing if they think they can get away with it.
Insurance claims they have to raise thier prices because cars becomming more expensive to fix, because of the sensors and airbags and such. The reality is that cars are getting safer, and we know the prices to fix the cars isn't what makes the rates, it's the injuries. Same thing with healthcare, it's just too easy to sue and get a settlement. Identity theft increases the credit card and loan interest rates. What's bad is not much is done about it. Fraud is another problem.

The gas companies are all working togeather, which makes them a monopoly, which is illegal, right there the goverment has the right to take them over. The Clinton administration was hardcore about nailing Bill Gates for Microsoft, and they were just a monopoly even though they really wern't, but since they offered the best product, no one bought from anyone else. It's not like Exxon offers the best gas that's so good no one else wants BP. This country's economy system is Free Enterprise, and anyone who knows the rules of Free Enterprise, knows that what the gas companies are doing is horse****. Since they can't follow the rules, the rules should not protect them.