This is what I have put in:
Rebuilt Calipers
New slotted rotors (Mustang Depot)
Wilwood adjustable proportioning valve
NEW Maverick MC (1974 part #36440 from NAPA)
New lines to rear, factory flared
New line to driver front (factory flared)
The distribution block on the 8" has been replaced
Speed Bleeders
The lines to the front are split with a brass adapter, I DO NOT have a distribution block.
The proportioning valve from Wilwood is adjustable and and is inline to the rear brakes.
1)The master cylinder has been bench bled.
2)All four wheels have been bled normally and have speed bleeders.
3)I have used a pressure bleeder on all four wheels
With the first push of the pedal I will have no pressure, it will hit the floor. Upon subsequent pumps it will begin to have better pressure, but it will not get to a normal height unless pump it really fast. If I don't pump it for a period of ten seconds on the next pump ther will be no pedal feel, it will go to the floor.
I am really getting pissed at this, I want the car on the road but cannot get anything from it. This really sucks. Can someone help?
Rebuilt Calipers
New slotted rotors (Mustang Depot)
Wilwood adjustable proportioning valve
NEW Maverick MC (1974 part #36440 from NAPA)
New lines to rear, factory flared
New line to driver front (factory flared)
The distribution block on the 8" has been replaced
Speed Bleeders
The lines to the front are split with a brass adapter, I DO NOT have a distribution block.
The proportioning valve from Wilwood is adjustable and and is inline to the rear brakes.
1)The master cylinder has been bench bled.
2)All four wheels have been bled normally and have speed bleeders.
3)I have used a pressure bleeder on all four wheels
With the first push of the pedal I will have no pressure, it will hit the floor. Upon subsequent pumps it will begin to have better pressure, but it will not get to a normal height unless pump it really fast. If I don't pump it for a period of ten seconds on the next pump ther will be no pedal feel, it will go to the floor.
I am really getting pissed at this, I want the car on the road but cannot get anything from it. This really sucks. Can someone help?