Hands down "best of" ricer moment I have ever witnessed.

The Rice crowd isn’t even allowed to park/drive their cars at the local Cruise night around here. A couple of years ago, some kid in a Civic thought he’d show off to a couple of his buddies and proceed to prove his I-4’s enormous power potential by dumping the clutch at a 15-roll and burning his tires through the parking lot. All well and good, right…..it was until everyone looked over at him and saw him doing it between a row of classic cars on one side of him and a row a Harley Davidson’s on the other. Some very angry and burly looking bikers came over and had a little chat with him and the rest of his ricer buddies. I’m not sure what was said, as I was a couple of rows over when they were speaking, but whatever it was, it was enough to make all of them turn white and move their whole crew out of there without as much as a single argument. Since then, they have their little gathering at the far end of the Costco parking lot away from the rest of the crowd.
Stangsgrl said:
Wow...when was that, cruise in or before darlington?
I had the camera on me the whole time, that would've been funny to see.

It was the cruise in at Colonial on Saturday... it was after the large crowd had left, but there were still a decent amount of cars parked in the lot, and the vendors were packing up and everything. Probaly between 9-9:30 pm. It was freakin hilarious.
The worst thing is when a former ricer finally gets his hands on a real car, but then still drives it like he drove the rice. One night some of my f-body and other stang friends met up and there was this ricer that used to drive a civic, but had just gotten his hands on an '01 GT. Anyway, he tried doing some donuts to close to some of his ricer friends' cars and slid right into one, screwing up both cars pretty bad. Then, immediately after....blue flashing lights

aw we left at like 8:30...haha maybe next year. there's always some ricers that bless us with their presence at the show/meet'n greet/cruise in.