Well, I have a warmed over 306 now with the stock MAF, I feel a bigger one should give me a real seat of the pants difference wouldn't you think? Anyway, I don't know what to go with, I've been considering the Pro-M 77mm. I like this one because it comes with a smooth elbow, a filter, and it's tuned very good (don't have to fidget with stadard and cone filters). But it costs about $400 and takes air from inside the engine compartment. I first was considering the C&L 76mm but I've heard they can run lean and they run best with a stock style air filter. Right now I have a cone filter inside a ram air box without the scoop and tubing. It's about $200. Then I thought maybe a Pro-M 75 (about $170) with a BBK cold air ($130). Or maybe a C&L 73 ($140) with a Anderson Power Pipe ($185). Or vice versa. Bottom line is I want something other than the stock tubing going to the TB and would prefer something that takes air out of the fenderwell but not if it means it will mess with the MAF's accuracy. What do you guys think? Best results in power and accuracy the Pro-M 77?