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Sep 23, 2003
What do you use to clean your top?? mine is white. Do you need some special products or can you use some house hold products.I have a few black marks that don't come out with a regular wash

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I was told by a head recon guy in my dealership that woolite clothes detergent works wonders for white tops and white leather. and is very gentle. I haven't tried it yet but I'm going to in the spring when it's above freezing.....
The white top on my '92 LX was so full of black mold spots.This occurs from dampness and getting wet often.I used a very light mix of water and bleach in a spray bottle.Let it sit for a minute then scrubbed a little with a small soft brush.Now you wouldn't even know the top looked so bad.It's as white as brand new.And no black spots leftover.I did look into other products but I thought i'd try this as a last resort before spending any more $$.