Hey bigcat!

I appreciate your write ups and have a suggestion for your next one. Delete plates! What do you think?

if anyone wants to donate to my mod & write up fund i will do it. right now, i dont have money to spend on the stang for upgrades. if someone is in Omaha area and wants me to install them on their car so i can do a write up, i will help. i have other priorities/responsibilities at the moment that are taking away from my modification fund.

seriously, if someone would like help installing parts, or wants to make their own write up after they perform an install, i would be glad to help out anyone.

Buuuutttttt the "new priorities/responsibilities" are much better than the Stang.

(better than a sour, angry mom who is unfortunately in the middle of an end of life experience who necessitates all the $ and energy you have. A new life is much better than one that is almost over. )

Choices and Consequences my Friend. How about someone order a delete kit, ship it to you to install and remove; then you do the write-up and return the kit to the original purchaser with a "bigcat original write-up".

if you can find someone willing to do that, i would. :SNSign: