How to go about removing a stick on grill.

I just sold my 2002 GT and bought a windveil Blue 2006 GT, but it came with a stick on upper and lower grill that I would like to remove, it does not look good to me, the factory grill is still behind the stick on. How should I go about this properly?


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That is definatly one ugly grill.
I would just try prying it off starting at one end or the other.
You may hve to break it off in pieces, or remove the entire grill from the car
so you can knock it off from the inside.
I was grilling out one night, with a very large tree next to my patio. Well I want to bed, and it was windy that night. I went outside in the morning and there was a stick on my grill. I just brushed it off, but I am sure there is other ways of doing it. You could pick it up, blow it off...pry it off. Many of ways.