I got my Magnaflow X installed today!!

DCx 98GT

Founding Member
Oct 31, 2001
San Bernardino California
I took my car to an exhaust shop and they installed my X and welded up my Magnaflow Catback for $75. The guy used a torch to heat up the manafold bolts and then just spun them off with a cut down 15mm socket and swivle and I on me. My car sounds so amazing with this setup. I was hauling ass on my way home and right as I pulled in to my drive way (about a 3 mile drive from the shop) my car started running real choppy and almost died a few times. My cousin said my engine was about to break its self loose, so I shut it down and jacked the car up. I removed the BBK mills that the guy at brothes performance said I needed, after that I started the car again and it did the same thing, so brought the rpms up to about 1500 and it smoothed its self out. After that it brought its self back to be normal, idles at about 800 and sounds good, what could have caused it so run that way and also sound like I had a horrible knock at the same time, my sifter handle was goin cray in neutral until I reved it :shrug: I have to take it to another shop in about 10 minutes because I found a leak and can feel the tick of air come from the pipe. Any way cross your fingers that it runs ok for me.
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runnin like crap

All is well. I must have loaded the car up or somthing because after I reved it and it did a small backfire it has ran like a champ. I got my exhaust leak fixed for free because the mechanic went to school with my dad and for some reason (i never asked met the guy) he asked me if I was his son, I love free surivce. I just re installed my factory shifter (planing on selling my pro 5.0) It shifts so much better. :banana:

My pro 5.0 would make really bad metal to metal noises when shifting in to gear. It was a pain in the ass. I adjusted the stop bolts like the instrustions said. I put the car in first made the bolt touch the handle then backed if off on full turn, after that there was a little gap between the bolt and the handle, I figured it was correct. Then for the first test drive it noticed that is was really hard to shift the damn thing, I would make sure the clutch was all the way in and it would still make a ton of noise, It would bang its self in to gear then when I would let off the clutch the car would buck a bit. I missed thrid all the time. I just feel that it was a crap shifter. There is a long post about this subject at svtperformance.com
