I may be dumb...but,

Of course. It's really the only down side I see to them but than again big hole, small hole, it's still a hole in your hood.

I suppose that's true. My worry with them is installing.

When you drill a hole, you can't really make it "crooked" where as cutting the shape out for the aero's...with it being elongated and all, there's a greater opportunity for operator error. I suppose that's why one would have a pro do it.

I do think thy look slick though.
Ron Leonard (Spydershaft) has them and they look pretty nice I met him at the track last year.
Cutting a hole in your own hood could be tough to swallow if it's wrong! These I don't think I would hesitate paying a pro to do.

Kind of hard to see in this pic.

Interesting options. One appears way too large in my opinion. Is no one making a version close to what is on the Shelby KR or the old Shelbys? That would be ideal in my opinion.