I saw this really bright notch while I was on vacation


New Member
Dec 11, 2004
The camera doesnt even do it justice....and I see this car every year:

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Roland69 said:
how does that looked choped and why would he chop it in the first place

if you look at the edges there not smooth, see the kinda step like line it has at the edge, but then again we are talking to the guy who thought that civic with the celica in the middle of it and that green car with the celica body kit was real :rlaugh: haha just messing with ya. If he says he took the picture though cant argue with him, thats pretty funny, id like to see it in person or up close.
Well I was trying to get a good pic but its so many cars out that weekend that its a real PITA to get a pic....I barely got that pic and had to zoom in before it went down the highway
Roland69 said:
lol I'm not verry good at spoting choped pics....I still cant see what everyone means about the green corsica

lol what it means is the picture probably started out as a stock grey corsica. Someone found a picture of a celica with that body kit, at the same angle as the piucture of the corsica. In photoshop you select the part of the picture you want, they selected the parts of the body (front bumper, side skirts, wing, etc. and pasted it in the picture of the corsica so it lined up perfect. Then then selected the exterior of the car, and changed the color. All those things are very easy to do, changing color, lowering the car, adding a celica to the door of a civic in photoshop, the only part that makes it a very good photoshop is how they lined the body kit up to the corsica. Anyways sorry, back to the topic
the edges get "steped" like that when you resize a pic and then resize the resized image.
thats all.
when i was a kid I spray painted my bmx that same color I wonder if thats a spray can job????
how would you get that color..........