I saw this really bright notch while I was on vacation

I found some touch-up paint for the owner.

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i dont know about anyone else but i think that color looks great and it has me thinking of easy it would be to get rid of the Oxford White :rolleyes:

I like it too.......mostly because its the first fox I have ever seen that color. With a car that is so mainstream, it is nice to see something different. Might be a little ruff walking up to that thing on a bright sunny sunday morning with a mad hangover:p
mob said:
if you look at the edges there not smooth, see the kinda step like line it has at the edge, but then again we are talking to the guy who thought that civic with the celica in the middle of it and that green car with the celica body kit was real :rlaugh: haha just messing with ya. If he says he took the picture though cant argue with him, thats pretty funny, id like to see it in person or up close.

The truck looks the same as the mustang with un-smooth edges. Looks real to me...
Blk91stang said:
The truck looks the same as the mustang with un-smooth edges. Looks real to me...

Yea I never said i thought it was a photoshop, but i was just seeing how you could think it was a photoshop.

I wouldnt go as far as to say i like it, but its cool.
That color reminds me of some of the "hot wheels" cars I had as a kid..I think I had one out of those "color changing" sets(remember the ones that changed color when you put hot or cold water on them?) in that exact color.

pb_paulie_b said:
You mean this highlighter notch :D

I see him there every year too :p

Are those even the same car? The don't look it. The one on top has that radiant glow to it while the one below does not.

Either way... I like it. That color is badass. Nobody would ever even THINK to try and steal that car and get away. lol I'm also thinking that guy drives the speed limit. hehehe
Daggar said:
Are those even the same car? The don't look it. The one on top has that radiant glow to it while the one below does not.
That is the same car, dif sun angle & dif camera angle, that's all.

This car looks pretty good in person but I have not been able to get a good pic of it. Never seems to be sitting still when I have my camera.

Yall think that first pic was bright, just think, the sun is on the other side of it!

I've seen it a couple years now. Ocean City was just crawling with sweet foxes, among other things!

Cliff :)