I want to Pimp-Slap my co-worker (Rant)


I need my gorilla to be about an inch longer.
Nov 15, 2005
Ok, so im the parts manager at a car dealership. Everything is pretty cool here.. i get to weld anything i need, get parts at local parts houses at cost, give friends discounts on freon etc... so today one of the managers from our parent dealership comes over, and is having a closed door session with our service manager.. that usually doesnt happen unless something is going down, and i just minded my own business till it was my turn..
so he comes to my office, asks how things are, and tells me just to mark my oil and filter prices up a little. that was it.. no yelling, no problems, no nothing.. then as he is about to leave he says "oh, and you might want to order parts for your race car when you are at home" and shut the door. im like WTF?!?!?! i order stuff over the internet all day long, and have it shipped to my house... so im thinking that they are monitoring my internet useage.. and if they did, im screwed... so i do some research and call a buddy at the parent dealership and ask him about it.. he tells me "yeah man, your service manager was getting into alot of trouble for various stuff, and she said that he should talk to you about ordering parts for your mustang on your own time"

so she stabbed me in the back to take the light off of herself. It is taking everything i have to keep calm and not go in there all WWF style off the top rope and beat her with a folding chair. If she said it was a problem to my face.. no big deal. but she hasnt said anything to me still, and thats whats eating at me.. dont go behind my back and try to get me in trouble so you get out of the hot seat for 2 seconds. :mad:

I cant wait till 5:00 today.. go home, get in the boat and go fishin for a few hours.
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Cool off and come back with a cool, calm head on the next workday. Confront him/her about the way you are feeling and if they can't even have a mature conversation about it, f'k 'em. You don't need to lower yourself to their level. All you can do is be diligent, work hard, and ignore their immaturity.
Oh man, that's just messed up. The same thing happened to me at my last job. The whole time that I am working, my boss was sitting at his desk, practically jerking off to whatever it was that I was doing. :nono: ANd I found out that he would watch my PC activity all day long.

It just goes to show what people are really like when you aren't looking. As long as they didn't repremand you, it should be alright. A warning is a warning, but now that you know, use it to your adventadge. Just son't do what I did. When I found out my boss was watching, I would bring up notepad and type little messages for him to read when I wasn't at my desk. Needless to say, when I made it back, I could see his head turning red just over the top of his cubicle. :rlaugh: It was funny as hell at the time....
timeless2 said:
Cool off and come back with a cool, calm head on the next workday. Confront him/her about the way you are feeling and if they can't even have a mature conversation about it, f'k 'em. You don't need to lower yourself to their level. All you can do is be diligent, work hard, and ignore their immaturity.

Thats what im trying to do... but its proving more difficult.. every time she walks by i want to sling a stapler at her (swingline, not the boston... i like the boston because it doesnt jam as much) but i figure ill get her back in a different way. i have a few ways, but i have to do it tactfully so eventually she knows that i know. i have about a grand in parts for customers that she has failed to call back and schedule for over a month. i think im going to send them back and slowly start charging her service department a 20% restocking fee on each part thats here over 30 days... that will hurt her worse than confronting her :)
Don Fiveolio said:
Oh man, that's just messed up. The same thing happened to me at my last job. The whole time that I am working, my boss was sitting at his desk, practically jerking off to whatever it was that I was doing. :nono: ANd I found out that he would watch my PC activity all day long.

It just goes to show what people are really like when you aren't looking. As long as they didn't repremand you, it should be alright. A warning is a warning, but now that you know, use it to your adventadge. Just son't do what I did. When I found out my boss was watching, I would bring up notepad and type little messages for him to read when I wasn't at my desk. Needless to say, when I made it back, I could see his head turning red just over the top of his cubicle. :rlaugh: It was funny as hell at the time....

That is EXACTLY why i quit at the call center i was at before... you were under a damn microscope, and i hated trying to force sales on customers.. it just wasnt a good gig for me.
Anyone who works in a place where the computers are networked together can expect to have their activities monitored: it's a fact of life. Inappropriate use of company time and computers is a big deal with many Internet connected companies.

I work for a bank and I know that every time I hit the internet, some server logs my activity. That’s why I have a non-networked PC (it’s for lab & testing purposes, you know) under my desk that does strictly dial up to my ISP which isn’t subject to monitoring. More time on Stangnet helps the stress of the day go by easier.
jrichker said:
Anyone who works in a place where the computers are networked together can expect to have their activities monitored: it's a fact of life. Inappropriate use of company time and computers is a big deal with many Internet connected companies.
Wise words.
jrichker said:
I work for a bank and I know that every time I hit the internet, some server logs my activity. That’s why I have a non-networked PC (it’s for lab & testing purposes, you know) under my desk that does strictly dial up to my ISP which isn’t subject to monitoring. More time on Stangnet helps the stress of the day go by easier.
Hence my laptop sitting next to my machine I work on that is connected via an external, unsecured, unmonitored wireless network.
5.0 con-vert said:

:rlaugh: :rlaugh: :rlaugh:

And i talked to the lan guy at the Other dealership (i used to work with him part time at advance auto) and he said they dont monitor anything besides reynolds and reynolds (delership parts and service softeware) becasue he plays games all day long, and has been for several years, and they never say anything to him. he said that if they ever change that, hell let me know first
carbed87 said:

Actually i can do worse... if she pushes the issue, ill make sure and accidentally let someone know that she has this bad habit of massaging my shoulders, and sitting on my lap when im at my desk.
Nice thing about a small company and too much time in is that you can actually tell the owner that you have earned "XXX" of his dollars while mastering some lame ass golf game I found on line...oh and maybe a minute here and there on stangnet :).

When you're at work...your time is not your own...it's part of life and it's not much fun, many large scale companies will dismiss you for just the type of online wasting of company time that you have admitted to. I think you should just accept the fact that from 9-5 or what ever your hours are, that you are responsible to the higher ups and eliminate the net time from your day...just an opinion, no intentions of criticizing you what so ever.
I understand where youre coming from, and i do agre with it being company time that im using, but hell.. last month i made more money than the service department, and if i didnt have stangnet or a car i need parts for i would literally spend about 4 hours a day staring at the wall. i have cleaned everything, i do the inventory every other month, and half the time i help the techs diagnose crap on cars.. just becasue im that bored. im making 3 times what the other parts manager did becasue he was lazy. i just have a system that works and i was 1st and 2nd in the district for sales over the last few months out of the 17 southern delerships in the south. she just got pissed because i had a bunch of boxes from maximum motorsports back here that i brought to have the SFC's and roll bar welded in on a weekend, and the body shop guys and techs were comin in here to check out the new goods i bought.

Im not bitching about him saying something to me about it.. thats fine.. but she sits in her office and plays solitare and talks to her husband for 2 hours a day, im mad that she tried to push the blame on me so she wouldnt look so bad. they had no problems with me, but she decides to tattle on me for that stuff... its cool now.. she has hers coming.
timeless2 said:
Just be careful. Sadly, perception is reality to the ones that write your check. ;)

exactly, and everything was fine until she opened her mouth. shes fighting like hell to make more money this month (september), but ill wait till the end of the month when she thinks she has me beat, then ill unleash all of the 20% restocking fees on her. its all legal, i just usually took the hits for that before.. now its her turn.
FarBeyondDriven said:
now its her turn.