Man, there seems to be a lot of us having these problems! In my case, the car drives
okay.. It's just that it won't idle anything less than 1200rpms and after a guy can spend 8 hours and get heat stroke tweaking idle to 900rpms, then the following symptoms occur:
1) When you turn the car off, it's is like trying to start a lawn mower.
2) Afterwards getting it started, it won't idle at 900rpms and immediately starts idle hunting, then dies
3) You cannot start the car without having your foot on the gas or it's guaranteed to die.
4) The idle sticking happens no matter what at like 2000rpms when coming to a rolling stop for example, then sloooooooooowly comes back down.
5) The one that pisses me off the most, in all my findings of how to properly set idle, there's no way on God's Green Earth this car will idle with 1 1/2 turns on the stop plate screw and the IAC disconnected.
Hence, you have to give the throttle plate screw like
"6" turns before it will stay running, but all 4 problems still remain present.
I've been fighting this for 2 1/2 weeks and have gotten no where. I've been so tempted just to take out a loan or something and replace the TB, TPS, IAC, EGR, MAF, and so on! I mean...I just don't know.