just picked up a 87 lx 5.0 t5 after a few years of chebbies, good to be back

nope its a triple hook quad and firewall adjuster. i stripped the factory quadrant right after putting in the new clutch

door hinge issue lol





old crappy lx seats out


new gt seats in



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did a compression check today. so far i got 120psi on all but one which was at 128psi and then my comp tester crapped out again so i tested only 5 cylinders so far. theres a tire valve in the end of the comp tester and it went bad. Im just going to bring home my other tester from work tomorrow and re check all 8
i used my other compression tester from work and pulled 150 on every cylinder doing a 8 crank cycle; throttle open and closed nets same results for me. plus you sprayng fuel big time at wot cranking which is probably what killed the check valve on my old tester. anyways 150 works for this guy:)
Turbines don't look half bad painted like that
i was going to just black them with the silver lip but my roomate talked me into exposing all the brushed aluminum areas. next i need suspension for this car so bad. but i think its doing good for a $700 basket case that no one could fix. the car got passed on to like 5 people, none of which put it in their name so it hadnt been tagged since 07 i think. it had a bad ecu and lots of wiring issues. next i need to get my 140 speedo in here once i figure how to rewire it
:nonono:Damn dude, I'm so sorry about that. Effin drunk drivers, I hope he gets his license revoked forever, and spends some time in the pen.:nonono:
hey took off when i was looking for my fone, it was a hit n run but all his info was in the truck, he was trying to get to the bar to get his bank card he left on tab at 1:55am he turned him self in the next day when he was sober. state patrol said hes **** but wont get the dui, he already has sr22 insurance i think, so high risk driver. tomorrow they asess my car, it was declared total by my company obviously. hoping i get 3500 since thats what they seem to sell for around here even in that shape, but we will see. theres no b lue book on it
I really feel bad about your situation man. That s*** totally sucks donkey d***. Especially after you have been putting good work into it and everything. I hate seeing any fox wrecked, especially from some dumbass that couldn't wait until the morning to go back and get his card when he was sober. He shouldn't have been driving home from a bar like that anyway. Effin idiots.
I really feel bad about your situation man. That s*** totally sucks donkey d***. Especially after you have been putting good work into it and everything. I hate seeing any fox wrecked, especially from some dumbass that couldn't wait until the morning to go back and get his card when he was sober. He shouldn't have been driving home from a bar like that anyway. Effin idiots.
i just installed the 140 speedo too and fixed my door hinges that nite a few hours earlier. i had this funny feeling. its murphys law
I wish I could buy it from you, I'm currently looking for a donor car to do a 5.0 swap on my four banger. Yours does look like it could be repairable, but a s*** load of work.
I wish I could buy it from you, I'm currently looking for a donor car to do a 5.0 swap on my four banger. Yours does look like it could be repairable, but a s*** load of work.
my agent said about 6k to fix at a body shop. ill try to buy it back, motor and new t5 are strong. they said i should be able to for real cheap probably 100 or less. i have a few people who already asked me but i might just keep it and find another shell or do a ranger or rx7