Loud @ss Train Horn

I just watched Smokey and the Bandit, ....feelin' like I need a CB of some sort....lol

well, if you want a CB radio, then put one in. just remember that these days you will be pretty much talking to truckers. here are two that i would recommend if you really want a CB radio;



the second one is what i would get, you might like the first one, its chrome

So I may have just installed a train horn and compressor tank setup on my Diesel Pick up.... Am I about to be berated on here??? FWIW I don't have chrome balls on my bumber...

well if you did install the train horn, then you may as well install the chrome balls as well. go the full douche route
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Papi always said ALL or nothin'
Breaka' Breaka' 1-9 we got smokey headed southboud on 85 doin' 85 Come On!!!
my buddy had train horns installed on his F-250. It really is funny when someone in a Yaris cuts you off so you hit em with the train horns and watch em flip out inside the car lol. It's also fun when said friend asks you to pull his truck out of the drive way and you give him a taste of his own horns.
It should be noted that use of a train horn on a car/truck is also illegal. In addition, the horns that are purchased and sold on sites like eBay are stolen from locomotives while on private property.

Ask me how I know

Okay, sermon over. Carry on here....