Miss '09 45th Anniversary Badge

?? Two weeks ago, I switched from a Black '09 GT Premium to a White "09 GT Premium California Special. I bought the former car with 12K miles in 2010 and sold it two weeks ago to an individual. I bought the latter car from a Ford dealer who took it on a trade for a Shelby. The white one came with only 15,040 miles. I miss the '09 45th anniversary badge on the GT?CS and wonder about adding one. I am aware none of the 07'-09' GT/CS have fender badges. I am being sensitive about keeping the style representing the 1968 original California Specials (if I switch an axle back exhaust I hope to use the tips on my car now). Anyway, this might seem trivial, but I am curious how others feel about adding the fender badge to the GT/CS whether it be 5.0 for '07 and '08 or the 45th anniversary badge for the "09?. Thank you.


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