more pics of my trashed 5.0 coupe

God bless ya man.. i'd hook you up with my notch if you were closer.. but it needs some panels fix'd to :doh: If yer needin any help, lemme know.. im right up the road from you and the georgie fellas
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Put up a list of needs when you figure it all out...

IDK what I have that might be useful, but let us know.

Sorry, but it looks fixable at least :) :(

i wish it was fixable. i though it was too. but it buckled the body under the front seats. one guy told me for 3700 he could cut a donor car in half and but my back end on it. i was like no thanks. it would never be the same
ttop88 that is one of the cooler things I have ever seen done I think everyone on here can appreciate your generosity I would just like to personally give you a ( hell yeah!!) BK glad your O.K. if you need anything post it we all have extra parts.
I've got a bunch of old parts laying around the garage too. off the top of my head.....I know I have a belt tensioner as well as various brackets. When you get a list together of things you need for the swap, put it up and I'll see if I can contribute. Best of luck to you.
I've got a bunch of old parts laying around the garage too. off the top of my head.....I know I have a belt tensioner as well as various brackets. When you get a list together of things you need for the swap, put it up and I'll see if I can contribute. Best of luck to you.

i will. and once again thanks everyone. im going to pick it up in a week or two and as soon as i do i will let everyone know what im going to need to do the swap. im still widdling away at the front of my coupe trying to asses the damage and see what is and isnt usable. i guess i cant say this enough guys and gal..THANK YOU

Sorry to see you mustang like that.. I know what you are going through man, this is what happen to my 1st mustang....i girl fell asleep and ram into my car.... DSC_0042.jpg
its so stupid to think of these dumb things that happen. keith has had a hard time as we know it getting to where he was, he was just driving down a road enjoying his car with a friend and some idiot decides to take a shortcut in life and flip a u do it in the middle of a road instead of finding a parking lot, and messed things up big time, and someone fell asleep and hit that guys car, this stuff happens all the time. we love cars so much and no one else appreciates it. this thread is amazing and goes to show how much we help each other out.