My high speed chase story!

HoodStrype said:
+1 :)

Pacing is what they did before radar and is still a legit way to get pulled over. Doubt you were doing 95mph... they lie about what you were doing around here too.

Had one tell me I was doing 85mph when I was doing 71 for sure in a 50 zone and didn't radar me. He walks up NO POO POO with his pistol drawn for no reason. Asked where I was going so fast. I was so infuriated that he had his pistol drawn that I looked at the speedo, I looked at my radar detector, and I said loudly to my wife, "Look honey! Your radar detector AND your speedometer are broke!!!" :lol:

That arsehat had the worst look on his face and didn't even write a warning. He said "Slow this rocket down- you're lucky I just got a call!"

:lol: We laughed for weeks about that one

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stang120gt said:
Well if the cop said he doesnt have it on radar then it will get thrown out of court, because following you is not a type of radar and it will not hold up in court the judge wants proof not just word of mouth.

One of my buddys had this happen to him cop said he was following him doin 85 and he didnt have it on radar or anything. when my buddy went to court. The judge was pissed at the cop for not getting it on radar so it got thrown out.

What does it say on the ticket does it say radar or anything that can prove that you were going that fast, or Does it say i was following him or somthing like that.

Its called paceing and it can and will hold up in court esp. with three cop cars pulling him over best bet is to take it to a speedo shop have them calibrate yours and show the judge this they might drop it down to a fualty equitment.