need advise, girl hit my moms regal in school parking lot...


New Member
Nov 24, 2003
New Whiteland, IN
makes me sick, people cant drive for crap, second time ive gotten hit in the parking lot in a year... both not my fault at all. heres how it happened... i was in the line waiting for my row to start moving, its just like how a walmart parking lot is or equivelent. just imagine everyone in walmart trying to leave at the same time... well i got out fine and the traffic was backed up in the row and i was waiting to get out of the parking lot, and this girl that is parked besides me just puts it in reverse and plows into my car, hard, not even knowing i was there... well pulled in another parking spot and looked at the damage, or course, crinkled back door and she just had to smash it in the unibody where the fenderwell is... 2nd kicker, "i have no insurance" she said, my mouth dropped. "I'll pay you back with the money call me up i dont want to loose my license" So, i got her drivers license number and license plate number, her name, phone number, all while she explained to me its not her car its her aunts or something... I didn't get a police report. Reason being was becuase out of all the days i didnt bring my wallet with any of my information, it was today. I didnt tell her that i didnt have my license on me or insurance. She didnt know... So i didnt want to get busted for that. I have two witnesses that saw the thing from start from finish, both people i know from school. Now, how do i stand? I have all her information, what can i do?
Dude, You NEED to file a police report ASAP!! unless you want to pay for your damages and possibly Hers too even though you say its not your didnt file a police report and she can say whatever she wants..If she loses her license, thats not your problem..she should have had insurance..
I agree....I don't care how minor the damage is i call the cops and get one on scene to write up a report.

Personally, i don't car what kind of hardluck situation the other person is. 99 times out of 100 if i rearend or hit someone they won't cut me a break, so why do i need to be that 1 person for someone else? No insurance? I don't care i'm calling the cops.

Is insurance required in Indiana?
You screwed yourself...why the hell wasnt the insurance info in the car anyway?? I never understand people who take the insurance card and/or registration out of the car. Are you gonna get into an accident in your living room watching TV? It would have been a fairly cheap ticket for not having your liscence on you. And in most states you can have that ticket ripped up if you go to your local municiple court with the ticket and your liscence within 48hrs. Witnesses or not you should have called the cops. How do they know the the witnesses arent just your friends and you screwed up the car and are trying to blaim it on this girl.
well it would be weird how i got all her personal information that she gave me, her license number would be pretty hard to rip off dont you think? The reason i have my information in my wallet is... I drive about 3 different cars throughout the week, so i keep it in my wallet. It was my moms car, i am covered under her insurance when i drive the car
I cant recall how your insurance works in Indiana, but here in michigan we have no-fault. Basically, if you get into an accident and have full coverage...your insurance company pays the damage for your vehicle. So over here it really doesnt matter of the other party is insured or not. You will have to fill out a police report, or file it with school officials (which you should have immediatley done anyways).
if you have 2 witnesses and the school cams your fine Jason. Where was the renta cop when you need him. LOL
Man, the same thing happened to me right outside my high school on the first day of my senior year. I was sitting in traffic leaving school and this blonde cheerleader in a 2000 Cougar ran into the back of my Mustang. My car wasnt hurt too bad, but one of my exhaust tips went thru her front bumper. Anyway, we settled it ourselves. I got the damage appraised and her old man wrote me a check. Be careful if you do try to settle it yourself because some people will try to scam you. Its probably better to let the cops help you settle it though.