Need eec pinout for fans on harness"diagram or any info"

Danny, you're using a fox processor somehow with an AODE, and you have a TwEECer? Just asking - I can help but I'm not sure which puter you need a pin-out of (I thought that might have been a typo, esp since the fox processor doesnt have a reliable fan output - I would have used a stand-alone controller rather than trying to use the CCRM, etc).
im using a pih kit,and a x3z processor on an x aode which is now a tko.
But the stock 95 aode harness pinout is what i need,because i need to know which wires do what. fan controller stays lit up on high speed as soon as the key is put on. I need to wire it up somehow the right way,i was led to believe it was plug and play ,and it is so far,beside the fan thing.


Im hoping to get the pin outs and follow the wires into the box/fan controller and wire them up right to the harness.


this could my bad.because i seen pih kits where u need to move the fan pins around.