NEED HELP!!!!! Do you think I hurt my tranny?????

Ryan02Stang said:
1. Its against the rules
2. Safety
3. Wind resistence

1. Huh?
2. Huh?
3. You have to be racing way too fast for the street for the wind drag from the windows being open to make jack ****zle difference. Racing someone of a light the windows wont make a **** of difference.

Personally, I'd rather have the windows open so I can hear the cars better (assuming you are racing a car that doesnt sound like a lawnmower - e.g. Scion).
I read his original post quickly and thought he was actually at the track. Now I see he was on the street. So you are right!
Ryan02Stang said:
1. Its against the rules
2. Safety
3. Wind resistence

rules? ahah..hahhh... i've raced with my top down at the local 1/4 many times. i love their slackyness. heh.

safety? wouldnt it be safer with the window (read: giant sheet of glass) stuck down in the door rather than 6" from your head?

just arguing to be arguing
Well a good track would never let you run with a window down, let alone a top down. Its against NHRA rules.
My tranny took a beating for about 20k miles, befor it went autos arent as tough as a 5spd...but then again, i guess it all depends on how much you get on her....if you're constantly racing, no tranny will last you long, no matter how tough u build it...
Neutral drops are bad, but from only 900 rpms you'll be fine. One time I put in neutral to rev while driving, and instead of putting it back into D I slipped it into REVERSE!!!!! I freaked out, I'm very lucky. Talk about a mistake!
jas142 said:
Neutral drops are bad, but from only 900 rpms you'll be fine. One time I put in neutral to rev while driving, and instead of putting it back into D I slipped it into REVERSE!!!!! I freaked out, I'm very lucky. Talk about a mistake!

that sucks, I accidently dropped my car into drive after a rev. Except it was a lot higher then 900rpms, more like 1000-2000, did a pretty nice burn out but I didnt mean to do it or have done it since. When I race I rev up to 1500 (any higher and my wheels start spinning) then on green I floor it, thanks to my new DR's. Soon Ill have a 3000 stall converter and ill be able to rev a lot higer
streetstang03 said:
i bet that made the scariest sound in the world.

It sounded like the Titanic sinking! Luckily it was only for a second, When I realized what I did (before I even took my hand off the shifter) I threw it back into Drive.