new balancer


My mom says thanks for the pearl necklace.
Nov 8, 2003
windsor, Canada
Noticed my balancer was doin the wabble thing giving me some vibrration, so I have ordered one for tomorrow..stock one but it will do as I don't see much over 3000rpm very often. Now I'm looking for information:
1) will the timing mark displayed be the correct one or should I suspect it to be off..what I mean is with new balancer on and spout out, if it says 10* then should I feel confident it really is 10*??
2) can someone give me an install break down so I know everything to do please!.
3) Can i really heat the balancer up to 250 to expand the hole without damaging the balancer rubber?
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y do u want to heat the balancer? im thinking to get it off? that seems very unecessary, theres a tool for that that takes less than a minute, or u can make one urself, yea u could be confident with the new balancer. when installing the new one put a lil grease on the inside of the balancer so it comes out easier next time.
Go rent a balancer puller and don't forget to get a new crank seal from your local Ford Dealer cost like $20 or so, and use a seal puller to get the old one out, because you don't want to damage the aluminum housing. Good luck.

P.S. It is also handy to have a breaker bar long enough so that it can be wedged on the ground just in case you have to bump the engine to get that bolt off on the crank pully.
1. It should be correct. You might want to check it using the relation of the original markings as to the markings of the new one.
2. Remove belt, remove crank pulley, remove crank bold from middle of balancer, take off washer and reinstall, use a harmonic balancer removal tool (the one's that use bolts that go into the pulley boltholes), replace seal if it isn't near new, use balancer install tool and press it in, put crank bolt in with washer, reinstall pulley, reinstall belt. DONE.
3. Use the correct tool. It's not that tight. Maby use a little lube, but this idea sounds like a good way to burn you hands or something out. Leave your wife/mom's oven alone.
try not using the oven. when deciding on mine, i read about 100 threads on it, and i know what you are talking about. i would use heat as a last resort. dont forget to use some anti seize on the hub. good luck.