Today I had Ford Racing 3.73 gears put in by a mechanic at my work. I work at Toyota but he was previously a mechanic for ford and has set up four or five 8.8" rears. We took it for a spin around the block and everything seemed fine. After that, on the way home I noticed a whining when I let off the gas. The whining is only at certain times. It doesn't happen in first or second gear and only right as it slows past 40 mph in 5th gear for a second. Most of the sound is in third and fourth from around 50 mph to 40 mph with my foot completely off the gas. If I slightly touch the gas it goes away. It also doesn't make any noise when I accelerate. Anybody have any ideas why it would do this when the car is slowing down? Second, could the gears make the tranny make anymore noise since it winds down quicker. Just wondering if it's normal at all or if something is wrong before I drive on it much.