New Mustang Magazine Out


New Member
Apr 30, 2006
A new Mustang magazine came out in Oct 05 called Modified Mustangs. I think it's pretty cool mag for Mustang owners of all styles(Fox, SN95, and S197). Since I haven't read lots of other mustang mags I can't really compare it to any other mag. Buy and issue and let me know what you think
I subscribed since the first issue. I like the format better than the more popular magazines. There is much more text than pictures so I spend more time reading than flipping pages.

I also like the mix of new / old mustangs in the magazine instead of a general bias to who ever sponsors a particular article.

Good stuff
Subscription isn't too bad

Yeah many mags are too expensive but I think a year subscription is only 19.95. Not bad for 12 issues though but 4.99 off the rack can add up.
I've flipped through it a few times and saw some nice stuff. The layout looks good though I'm probably not going to buy as many Mustang mags as I used to (I had every MM&FF going back to issue 10 for 7 years there). I think I still have a good 2 or 3 years of it in my office.

What with the Internet I find less and less need for them outside of something to flip through now and again. Most of my reading is either on forums or in Poker books/magazines. ;-)